Aaron Keyes


Group & 1:1 Coaching available.


Group Coaching

Group coaching is a great way to experience what executive coaching is like — and the results it can create — for a fraction of the cost of individual coaching. Groups are comprised of just 3-4 people, with 2 group sessions per month, and one 1:1 session, so you’re able to get the best of both worlds: the strength of collaboration and co-learning with colleagues, as well as the personalized coaching that individual clients experience.

Each of these cohorts developed after getting successful results working with individual clients seeking coaching around these topics. To learn more, or to be added to the waiting list for the next cohort to begin, email us. Note that it can take some time for a group to form, the so the earlier we get you on the list, the sooner your group will be able to form.


Songwriting Cohort

Prosody. Motion. Scansion. Meaning.

There are so many technical aspects to songwriting that many writers have no awareness of.

This cohort is a deep-dive into the technical, practical, emotional and personal aspects of powerful writing. Homework assignments and new song reviews are a regular part of this cohort, so come ready to learn—and to write.

Parenting Cohort

Whether they’re toddlers, tweens, teens, adolescents or adults, the opportunity to level up as a parent never goes away.

Parenting is one of life’s greatest gifts, and toughest challenges. And without intentional work, you’ll likely fall into the same patterns you saw your parents practice.

This cohort will equip you with new tools to grow you as a parent in ways unlike you’ve ever experienced before.

Leaders Cohort

If you lead a team, a staff, a company, or a non-profit you’ve likely discovered just how much there is to learn to be an effective leader, and how much can go wrong if your leadership isn’t just right.

Mindsets and strategies that worked as a “performer” will have to be adjusted to be an effective leader. And you’ll have to take care to not burn yourself out in the process.

This group aims to not only help you manage those challenges, but thrive in the process.

EXEQ: College Readiness Cohort

Many seniors in high school coast through their last semester, and downshift even further for a few months after graduating.

College orientation hits like a whiplash.

This 90-day sprint prepares students to get clear on what they want in college, and empowers them with tools (in executive functioning, emotional intelligence, and others) they’ll need to excel.

Worship Leader Cohort

Worship leaders lead songs; worship pastors lead people.

Most worship leaders know how to lead songs, but have never invested in themselves in the areas of leading people.

If songs were enough to facilitate transformation, they’d have worked by now.

Worship leadership requires a fascinating confluence of skills that are technical, practical, pastoral, and inter-personal.

Modern Elders Cohort

This cohort is for leaders with 15+ years experience who want to maximize the second half of their career without burning out, boring out, acting out, or checking out.

If you’re a leader who’s rounding third—you’ve proven to be successful and effective, but are no longer challenged, thrilled, or fulfilled to the same degree you once were—this group is for you.

Don’t confuse over-staying with faithfulness or loyalty. You most impactful years are likely still ahead of you.

© 2025 Aaron Keyes. All Rights Reserved.