Aaron Keyes


Group & 1:1 Coaching available.

EQ Coaching

Great leadership requires more than intellectual intelligence; it requires self-knowledge and emotional mastery.

It’d be hard to overstate the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) in leadership. EQ accounts for 58% of performance in all jobs—in fact, it’s the single greatest predictor of success, and the strongest driver of leadership in the workplace.

Studies have shown 90% of top performers to score high on EQ, while only 20% of low performers score high on EQ.

Yet, for all of the leadership conferences I’ve attended & books I’ve read, I’ve found a dearth of resources on this deeper work.

EQ coaching has been invaluable for me, & for so many of my clients. For EQ coaching, we offer individual coaching, group coaching, leadership cohorts and on-site workshops.

If you’d like to setup a free exploratory call to see if EQ coaching may be a good fit for you or your team, book a call with the link below.

While our coaching and content will adapt to your contextual needs, below is a sample of some topics that often arise.

  • Intro to EQ: Either we will learn to manage our emotions, our they will manage us.

    Talent & Character: What makes a great leader? It’s going to take more than talent.

    Warmth & Competence: First impressions matter more than you may think.

    Instinct & Experience: The perfect combination is seasoned expertise with fresh instinct.

    Redefining Greatness: Our cultural biases blind us to what true greatness looks like.

    The Generative Leader: Moving from generic to generative will require some heavy processing.

    From Proving Yourself to Improving Yourself: The start of change for your culture. 

    IQ, DQ, & EQ: What’s it like to be on the other side of your leadership? 

    Active & Reflective: The two mindsets of leadership require both assessment and advancement.

    Modern Elders: Not just wisdom keepers of the past, but wisdom seekers of the future.

    False Proxies: Some things are hard to measure, so we overstate the significance of the things we can.

    Developing a Pipeline: Great leaders don’t amass followers; they create more leaders.

  • Bathymetry: How the invisible depths shape the visible surface.

    The Better Path: Responding in responsibility will always trump the spiral of reaction.

    Healing is Hard: Nobody said it was easy, but no one ever said it would be this hard.

    Patience and Process: How a few dozen dominoes can topple a tower.

    Gravity & Chemistry: What makes you magnetic? A balance of polarities.

    Emotional Predictability: Where Brené Brown made a mess of things.

    Hinge Moments: Our high points and hard times of our life help forge our passion.

    Overcoming Perfectionism and Procrastination: Embrace the iterative process.

    Transparency & Vulnerability: The difference between letting someone see into your life vs. speak into your life.

    The 5 Capitals: Finances matter, but they matter the least when it comes to evaluating where to invest your life.

    Building Trust: Any relationship brings risk, and broken trust will undermine any future progress.

  • Inspiring & Empowering: Why invitation and challenge are both key to a healthy culture.

    Caught or Taught: Why osmosis is still the best way to get something new inside yourself.

    Innovation & Adoption: Why do some new innovations stick, and others don’t? 

    Managing Expectations: How many of our disappointments could’ve been avoided with better expectations.

    Purview and Preferences: None of us are as good as all of us.

    The “i” in team: What you don’t want to be on a team.

    Collective Creativity: The best you will ever offer will be in a culture that celebrates you.

    Alignment & Hypersensitivity: In a healthy body, hurt still hurts. But it’s manageable. 

    Prioritize the Other: You will learn the most from people who don’t think, look, or act like you.

    Modern Elders: Not just wisdom keepers of the past, but wisdom seekers of the future.

    Survival of the Friendliest: What we can learn from the hidden life of trees.

    Healthy Conflict: A culture that knows how to deal with conflict healthily will have limitless potential.

  • The 5 questions: How to begin discovering your values.

    Abundantly More: Rethinking what we assume is possible.

    The 1-4-1-4: How to keep the end in mind with short term planning.

    The Gym: The barbell works every time.

    Unlimited Good: Character and Competency.

    The Development Square: How to actually share your magic.

    The bullseye: Discipline, Desire, Delight.

    The EQ Matrix: How to avoid getting hijacked in leadership.

    RMS: How using the Radical Minimum Standard can trigger growth in your culture.

    The Vehicle: Why Vision, Relationships, Management and Programs need to buckle up.

    The Kairos Circle: Not all moments are created equal; some are pregnant with possibility.

    Ebb & Flow: The Semicircle of seasonality.

    Receiving Criticism: The more you want to push back, the more you need to lean in.

    Inquiry: Open upstream communication to reduce the status gap & bolster safety.

    Outside Input: What others see in you that you don’t see in yourself.

    6 Word Story: Because clarity is key.

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